Monday, October 15, 2012

Ten Thunders!

So I've finally had some downtime to paint. Once I got my hands on the TTB boxed set I really couldn't wait to get started. As I get these figures finished I'll be posting them here.

C&C appreciated.  Thanks for looking!


  1. Heia.. could u be so kind to tell us which colours you used here ? Would be very much interested ! Cheers

  2. I do a lot of mixing, and I use a wide variety of brands of paints, so bear with me:

    The blue: GW Hawk Turquoise and Reaper Sparkling Blue equally are the main mix. I added a drop of Reaper Stormy Grey to this mix. I then added Vallejo Ivory to max successive highlights.

    The yellow: GW Foundation Iyanden Darksun and GW Bad Moon Yellow equally for the base. Vallejo Ivory was again used for the highlights.

    The brown: GW Chardon Granite, GW Chaos Black equally. Vallejo Ivory for highlights.

    The Red: GW Red Gore w/ a bit of Chardon Granite and Black. Again, Vallejo Ivory for highlights.

    Hope that helps!
